It's been so long since I blogged (with the exception of posting one I wrote months ago). I have missed all of you so much! Sitting for long periods of time is still difficult...and taboo (according to my doctor!), so I have avoided my computer as much as possible, using it only when I needed to do some actual work.
Like many of you, life has become so busy! With trying to sell our house (and keeping it clean!) and making decisions where we want to live for the next couple of years, I have felt a bit overwhelmed. We have a buyer...but the bank is dragging its feet. We are so OVER this! All I want to do is close this chapter of our life and get on with the next. But we wait...knowing God has already settled this matter and we just need to sit back and let Him deal with the mess... We've decided to stay local, for the time being. We love being near our kids and granddaughter. But all these ideas may change. We'll see...
As I mentioned above, I'm still dealing with sciatica, so I don't sit at the computer for long periods of time. That's one of the reasons I have not blogged in awhile... The good news with the sciatica is that I am really exercising and I've lost a lot of weight...and three sizes! And I am getting better each day. My treatments are down to one day per week...and soon, the doctor/adjustments will be twice a month...then once a month. (Think I'll keep going for the massages, though...they feel soooooo good!) Had a bit of a scare this week...the massage therapist noticed a possible clot in my calf...had the sonogram, but have not heard the results, yet. I assume since I was not called on Friday afternoon, that there was no clot...but I will be calling the DR. tomorrow morning to make sure.
In the past couple of months, I have catered two events...a baby shower and an engagement party. It was so much fun planning and researching menu ideas. I used the Billionaire Bacon-Wrapped Chicken (from an earlier post...HUGE hit!) at both parties...along with an assortment of other delectable dishes. Both were successes...and at both events, it was suggested that I make this my business. NO WAY! That would take the fun out of cooking. But I'll do it for special friends... (The photo is Chicken and Apple Salad in Wonton Cups. Yummy!)
And recently, I have had the privilege of caring for my granddaughter one day a week. Oh the fun we've had! (and oh, how tired I am when she leaves!!!) Little Miss is 2 years old. I cannot believe how time has flown...
Painting has not been a part of my life for awhile...somehow, I have not been able to create anything. But that seems to have come to a halt...I actually painted a commissioned piece and delivered it this weekend. It really felt good, using my brushes. Can't show what I's still a surprise for the recipient. But here a couple of my favorites:

Our "travel season" is just around the corner. I'll be accompanying Mac Daddy to South Beach (Miami), Atlanta, and Jacksonville in the coming weeks...then later in the summer,/fall , we'll be heading to St. Augustine...for a long visit!. MacDaddy can work from there...and I can paint and spend time on the beach!
Now that I've begun blogging again, I hope to see you more often...
With love,
WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! You're back...finally! have missed you dearly, my friend. And man, oh you ever look great!! so glad the back is getting better...I'm telling you, you should do pilates. It's almost made mine go away completely and its so therapeutic for my soul! not to mention lots of new muscle tone.
happy happy happy to see your words!
I've missed your posts.But I haven't been posting much either.That thing they call life gets in the way sometimes.Hope all goes will with the sale of the house.
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