And the tradition lives on....
This is a post I wrote a couple of years ago...on our family tradition of making marshmallow Easter Bunnies...
Easter and Easter bunnies always bring to mind my momma's Easter cake...and cupcakes. Beginning the week before Easter, Momma would start the process of making these darling creatures...then she would make cupcakes until they were covering every flat surface in our kitchen. These were the special treats she would give to all the kids in the our classmates...and when I became a teacher, she even made them for the children in my classroom. The cake, itself, was just a "box cake" (usually yellow), the frosting was always homemade, but the decorations were so very special. Momma never relied on store-bought Peeps (my absolute favorite Easter treat) for her bunnies, she made them herself, using a single large marshmallow, some frosting, and a tiny bit of pink crepe paper. We kids always made a contest out of who could eat the bunny without removing the pink paper. (She finally began decorating the ears with pink keep us from eating the crepe paper!)
To make Greatma's Bunnies:
1 large marshmallow
scissors (Dip your scissors in water before each sticking!)
pink frosting
pink crepe paper (i don't use this anymore - too much trouble to remove before eating!)
Cut the marshmallow about 1/3 down from the top. DO NOT CUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!!
Fold the cut edge until it stands up. This makes the face/head.
Where the marshmallow bends, either make a tiny cut or pinch a tiny gash and press the "face"onto the raw, sticky gash. The head is now standing up a bit.
With the scissors, cut a V into the top of the face...just a short way down. This makes the ears.
Use the little cut piece to make the it onto the "butt".
Make little pink eyes and nose with the frosting. (Put a little frosting on the backs of the ears if desired.)
Frost a cupcake with Chocolate frosting (it's the dirt)...or any flavor you wish. Place the "bunny" into the frosting. Sprinkle a little coconut (tinted a light green)* around the bunny. Press a few jelly beans (eggs) into the soft frosting. Let stand for a little while so the bunny and eggs have a chance to stick. Enjoy!
Wishing all of you a Blessed Easter.
* This year, I found edible Easter grass. It was a wonderful alternative to the green-dyed coconut.
* This year, I found edible Easter grass. It was a wonderful alternative to the green-dyed coconut.